FirstHub – fælles træplantnings projekt
Alle lejere i FIRSTHUB støtter Plant for the Planet med træplantning i Yucatan, Mexico.
Lejerne i FirstHub er enige om at gøre noget ved klimaændringerne i verden og er derfor enige om at støtte Plant for the Planets træpantnings projekt i Yucatan, Mexico. Dette gøres gennem huslejen, hvor FirstHub så støtter op med at doble beløbet fra lejerne.
´´Det er målet, at vi gennem nogle år kan have sat et aftryk på træplantningen i området til gavn for den lokale befolkning og det rige dyreliv der er.´´ siger Lars Thomasen fra FirstHub. ``Klima ændringerne er en realitet og vi skal alle gøre noget som kan mindske CO2 situationen i verden. Selvom dette kun er et lille skridt i den rigtige retning er jeg rigtig glad for at alle lejere uden tøven, var med på ideen og støttede op med det samme. ´´
Mere information omkring Plant for the Planet
Plant-for-the-Planet plants one tree every 15 seconds. When the children and youth initiative took over the first area in 2015, it was a sad sight: vast areas had been degraded due to deforestation, cattle and logging of economically valuable trees. Our restoration team working on this project and the affiliated tree nursery is over 120 people strong. Our workers plant, on average, 5,500 seedlings per day and are placing and caring for over twenty different native tree species. Our own seed collecting program allows us to integrate native tree species into our restoration program that are important for restoring near-natural forests. Approximately 1,100 trees are planted per hectare. It’s possible for Plant-for-the-Planet to plant and care for one tree for one Euro. To date, around 9,650,000 seeds have been grown in the partnering nursery, of which 8,623,560 are seedlings that we can or could use for our forest restoration. By now, we ourselves have planted 6,332,664 seedlings in total. In addition, seedlings are also given to local farmers. Plant-for-the-Planet plans to restore 100 million trees in Mexico until 2030. Learn more at: If this project cannot be realized due to circumstances caused by the climate crisis, we will inform you and allocate the money to another project managed by Plant-for-the-Planet, preferably in the same country, that has the same quality.
Our main focus for 2021 and 2022 is to increase the biodiversity of the planted tree species
Private - Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation since 2015
Predominantly cattle grazing and forest fires
Plant-for-the-Planet has been able to acquire more than 22,500 hectares of former forest land, spread over several reforestation sites, which have been degraded for different reasons, such as deforestation, forest fires, cattle grazing or the cultivation of chili or rice in monoculture.
The main objective is the planting of 100 million trees in Yucatán, in areas degraded by deforestation. By exclusively planting indigenous trees in a mixed forest, the reforested trees help to bind CO2 and preserve the local ecosystem.
Vil I vide mere omkring dette projekt så kontakt FirstHub - Lars Thomasen på tlf.: 60132868,
´´Det er målet, at vi gennem nogle år kan have sat et aftryk på træplantningen i området til gavn for den lokale befolkning og det rige dyreliv der er.´´ siger Lars Thomasen fra FirstHub. ``Klima ændringerne er en realitet og vi skal alle gøre noget som kan mindske CO2 situationen i verden. Selvom dette kun er et lille skridt i den rigtige retning er jeg rigtig glad for at alle lejere uden tøven, var med på ideen og støttede op med det samme. ´´
Mere information omkring Plant for the Planet
Plant-for-the-Planet plants one tree every 15 seconds. When the children and youth initiative took over the first area in 2015, it was a sad sight: vast areas had been degraded due to deforestation, cattle and logging of economically valuable trees. Our restoration team working on this project and the affiliated tree nursery is over 120 people strong. Our workers plant, on average, 5,500 seedlings per day and are placing and caring for over twenty different native tree species. Our own seed collecting program allows us to integrate native tree species into our restoration program that are important for restoring near-natural forests. Approximately 1,100 trees are planted per hectare. It’s possible for Plant-for-the-Planet to plant and care for one tree for one Euro. To date, around 9,650,000 seeds have been grown in the partnering nursery, of which 8,623,560 are seedlings that we can or could use for our forest restoration. By now, we ourselves have planted 6,332,664 seedlings in total. In addition, seedlings are also given to local farmers. Plant-for-the-Planet plans to restore 100 million trees in Mexico until 2030. Learn more at: If this project cannot be realized due to circumstances caused by the climate crisis, we will inform you and allocate the money to another project managed by Plant-for-the-Planet, preferably in the same country, that has the same quality.
Our main focus for 2021 and 2022 is to increase the biodiversity of the planted tree species
Private - Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation since 2015
Predominantly cattle grazing and forest fires
Plant-for-the-Planet has been able to acquire more than 22,500 hectares of former forest land, spread over several reforestation sites, which have been degraded for different reasons, such as deforestation, forest fires, cattle grazing or the cultivation of chili or rice in monoculture.
The main objective is the planting of 100 million trees in Yucatán, in areas degraded by deforestation. By exclusively planting indigenous trees in a mixed forest, the reforested trees help to bind CO2 and preserve the local ecosystem.
Vil I vide mere omkring dette projekt så kontakt FirstHub - Lars Thomasen på tlf.: 60132868,